The Santa Fe Opera

Santa Fe, NM

Production Electrician (2012-2018)

Previously employed as, Master Electrician (2008-2011), Assistant Master Electrician (2007), Staff Electrician (2006), Apprentice Electrician (2005)

Maometto II

Lighting System

  • (1) ETC Gio, (2) ETC Ion

  • (13) Universes of control

  • (7) VL3500 Wash, (6) Viper Performance, (50) ETC Series 2 Lustr, (20) ETC Colorsource PAR, (250+) ETC Source 4 Ellipsoidal

  • (24) RC4 Wireless dimmers

  • (2) Unison Paradigm architectural control processors


Projection alignment on Revolution of Steve Jobs

Don Pasquale

Travis collaborated with the production staff and design teams to implement the lighting designs for 5 full scale operas in rotating repertory each season. He researched, engineered and supervised the construction of various special effects and practicals. The lighting department consists of 8 apprentices and an electrics staff of 4-5 people.

During his tenure with the opera, Travis developed a video department, designed and implemented the system, and supervised the projections department. This system includes, (6) Panasonic projectors and a disguise media server system to allow for stunning full stage projections for various operas.

In a $35 million dollar backstage renovation for the opera, Travis modernized the lighting systems including updating control protocols, lighting consoles, and purchasing over $850,000 worth of new equipment.

Revolution of Steve Jobs Photo by Paul Horpedahl

Vanessa Photo by Paul Horpedahl

Lighting Director: Lee Fiskness

Director of Production (former): Paul Horpedahl

Lighting Designers (selected) : Duane Schuler, Jim Ingalls, Rick Fisher, Jennifer Tipton, Japhy Weideman, Pat Collins, Mimi Sherin

Projection Designers : Ben Pearcy, Driscoll Otto, Elaine McCarthy, Peter Negrini, Jon Driscoll